Saturday, June 26, 2004


Have you ever wanted to use ebay like a professional? I found this gentleman that will actually help you do this. He's got a journal out where he talks about what he's learned over the years. I went through and read a couple of post he's got and I have to say, he sounds like he knows what he's talking about. If you've ever wondered about this, you really need to check this place out. Here is where to go.

The church is going to the zoo today, so if you're at the Birmingham Zoo and notice a large group of people acting crazy, that's probably us. I'll write more about what happened when I return. I know we'll have a great time there. Marcus has been before but he was too young to remember that much about it. Now he's old enough to remember. I'm surprised we have so many going. We only have 16 members in our church yet we have over 30 saying they are going. Now if only we can get more people in our church. Oh well. I'll just keep praying over that. The Lord will bring more people there when He's ready to.

Have a great day and may the Lord bless you.

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